A lot of our clients which are mostly internal IT teams often ask me where I get the abbreviations I use for Azure and Microsoft 365 resources. These abbreviations help keep things simple, efficient, and easy to understand, especially when managing cloud environments. The answer is straightforward: I rely on a set of best practices provided by Microsoft, specifically from their Cloud Adoption Framework. ☁️

Microsoft has published a comprehensive list of resource abbreviations to help standardize naming conventions in Azure. These recommendations are designed to ensure that resource names remain concise, while still being informative and adhering to the platform's requirements. Proper naming conventions not only improve clarity but also make it easier to manage and scale your cloud infrastructure.

In the following sections, I will share some of my commonly used Azure and M365 abbreviations that I use as well as some very very simple examples which are commonly seen in SMBs.

Additionally there is an open source tool, which helps you generate those names rather than keep reading the docs. 👀

Computing and Web

Resource Abbreviation
Cloud service cld
Communication Services acs
Disk encryption set des
Function app func
Gallery gal
Hosting environment host
Image template it
Managed disk (OS) osdisk
Managed disk (data) disk
Notification Hubs ntf
Notification Hubs namespace ntfns
Proximity placement group ppg
Restore point collection rpc
Snapshot snap
Static web app stapp
Virtual machine vm
Virtual machine scale set vmss
Virtual machine maintenance configuration mc
VM storage account stvm
Web app app

Example 🔎



Resource Abbreviation
Azure SQL Database server sql
Azure SQL database sqldb
Azure SQL Elastic Job agent sqlja
Azure SQL Elastic Pool sqlep
MariaDB server maria
MariaDB database mariadb
MySQL database mysql
PostgreSQL database psql
SQL Server Stretch Database sqlstrdb
SQL Managed Instance sqlmi

Example 🔎


Management and Governance

Resource Abbreviation
Automation account aa
Azure Policy definition <descriptive>
Application Insights appi
Azure Monitor action group ag
Azure Monitor data collection rule dcr
Azure Monitor alert processing rule apr
Blueprint (planned for deprecation) bp
Blueprint assignment (planned for deprecation) bpa
Data collection endpoint dce
Log Analytics workspace log
Log Analytics query packs pack
Management group mg
Microsoft Purview instance pview
Resource group rg
Template specs name ts

Example 🔎



Resource Abbreviation
Application gateway agw
Application security group (ASG) asg
CDN profile cdnp
CDN endpoint cdne
Connections con
DNS <DNS domain name>
DNS forwarding ruleset dnsfrs
DNS private resolver dnspr
DNS private resolver inbound endpoint in
DNS private resolver outbound endpoint out
DNS zone <DNS domain name>
Firewall afw
Firewall policy afwp
ExpressRoute circuit erc
ExpressRoute direct erd
ExpressRoute gateway ergw
Front Door (Standard/Premium) profile afd
Front Door (Standard/Premium) endpoint fde
Front Door firewall policy fdfp
Front Door (classic) afd
IP group ipg
Load balancer (internal) lbi
Load balancer (external) lbe
Load balancer rule rule
Local network gateway lgw
NAT gateway ng
Network interface (NIC) nic
Network security group (NSG) nsg
Network security group (NSG) security rules nsgsr
Network Watcher nw
Private Link pl
Private endpoint pep
Public IP address pi

Example 🔎

pi-vdpool01 (as well seen as pip-vdpool01)


Resource Abbreviation
Azure Bastion bas
Key vault kv
Key Vault Managed HSM kvmhsm
Managed identity id
SSH key sshkey
VPN Gateway vpng
VPN connection vcn
VPN site vst
Web Application Firewall (WAF) policy waf
Web Application Firewall (WAF) policy rule group wafrg

Example 🔎



Resource Abbreviation
Azure StorSimple ssimp
Backup Vault name bvault
Backup Vault policy bkpol
File share share
Storage account st
Storage Sync Service name sss

Example 🔎



Resource Abbreviation
Virtual desktop host pool vdpool
Virtual desktop application group vdag
Virtual desktop workspace vdws
Virtual desktop scaling plan vdscaling

Example 🔎


For those who are interested in improving their Azure and M365 management practices, I highly recommend exploring this resource: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/azure-best-practices/resource-abbreviations


Naming Azure resources consistently can be a challenging task, especially with a wide range of services and abbreviations to keep track of. However, to make your life easier, there's an amazing tool that can help automate and simplify the naming process: AzureNamingTool.

The AzureNamingTool is an open-source solution developed by Microsoft's Patterns & Practices team. It allows you to:

  • Standardize your Azure resource names based on best practices.
  • Automate naming conventions to ensure consistency across your organization.
  • Customize naming rules to match your internal policies.
  • Export naming templates for use in your infrastructure deployments.

Benefits of Using AzureNamingTool:

✅ Ensures compliance with Azure naming standards
✅ Reduces human error in naming resources
✅ Easy to deploy and configure
✅ Supports a wide variety of Azure services and abbreviations

How to Get Started:

You can find the AzureNamingTool on GitHub:
👉 https://github.com/mspnp/AzureNamingTool

There is now an excellent how to Video from Azure Academy which guides you through the process of generating appropriate names for your resources :

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